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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Characteristics of MIS

1. Management bound - the system is meant from prime to bottom. This doesn't mean that the system are back-geared to providing info on to prime management rather it implies that the system development starts from Associate in Nursing appraisal of management wants and overall business objectives it's doable that prime management is that the focus of the system like their wants cornerstone on that the system is made for example- a promoting data system basic sales order process the cargo of products to the shoppers and therefore the charge of the products area unit elementary operation management activities. but if the system is meant properly this dealings info may be copied by salesperson, sales territory, size of order, geographics and merchandise line moreover if designed with strategic management wants in mind external competition market and economic knowledge may be created to relinquish an image of however well the company’s product area unit faring in their promoting atmosphere and to function a basic of latest product or marketplace introduction the initial application may be back-geared to the operational and internal control areas however in such the simplest way as not preclude its integration into a strategic designing scheme for higher management. 

2. Management directed - owing to the management data system it's imperative that management actively directs the system development efforts to see what info is important to boost its management of operation it's rare to seek out Associate in Nursing management data system wherever the manager himself or a high level representative of his department isn't disbursement an honest deal of your time in system style it it not a non time involvement for continuing review and participation area unit necessary to confirm that the enforced system meets the specification of the system that designed so management is chargeable for setting system specification and it should play a serious role in ensuant trade off call that inevitably occur in system development. a vital part of effective system designing is that the method for determinative the priority of application development. Management should management this method if a management data system is that the objectives. an organization while not a proper application approval cycle Associate in Nursingd a management steering to see priorities can ne'er develop an management data system.

3. Integrated - integration is critical owing to the flexibility to provide a lot of substantive management info for instance so as to develop an efficient production planning system we have a tendency to should balance such factors as:

A. established value.
B. Work force.
C. Overtime rates.
D. Production capability.
E. Capital demand
D. client service.

4. Common knowledge flows - owing to the combination conception of management data system there's a chance to avoid duplication and redundancy in knowledge gathering storage and dissemination for instance client orders area unit the essential for charge the client for product ordered fitting the assets initiating production activity sales analysis sales prediction so on that is prudent to capture this knowledge nearest to the supply wherever the event occur and use it throughout the practical space it's additionally prudent to capture it once and so avoid the duplicate entry of sources knowledge into many system.

5. serious designing parts - Management data system don't occur long they take from 3 to 5 years and longer to urge established firmly inside an organization an important designing part should be gift in management data system development the management data system designer should have the longer term objectives and wishes of the corporate firmly in mind. the designer should avoid the likelihood of system degeneration before the system designing is an important ingredient to fortunate management data system the management data system provides substantive direction towards that one strives.

6. Sub-system conception - In confronting a project as broad and sophisticated in scope as a management data system, one simply avoid losing sight each the forest and therefore the trees. albeit the system is viewed as one entity, it should be diminished into edible sub-system which will be enforced one at a time. The breakdown of management data system into substantive subsystems set the stage for prioritized implementation. The scheme analysis is important for applying boundaries to the matter, so sanctionative the designer to specialise in manageable entities which will be assigned  and processed by selected  system and programming team.

7. Flexibility and easy use - Despite a careful analysis of the longer term management info wants it's not possible to predict what's need their to 5 year thence. this is often true in most industries and particularly in industries with fast modification patterns, it's naïve to suppose that if anyone possesses the state to predict the longer term with this aa a premise, successive neatest thing Associate in Nursing management data system developer will do is to inbuilt the pliability to include as several manufacture nuances as doable.

8. knowledge base - {the knowledge|the info|the information} is that the mortar that holds the practical system along every system needs access to a main file or information covering inventory, personnel, vendors, customers, ledger, add progress so on. If the info is hold on expeditiously and with common usages in mind one main file will offer the info required by any of the practical system. It appears logical to collect knowledge once, properly validate it and place it on a central data-storage medium which will be accessed by any system. but it's common to seek out an organization with multiple knowledge files, one serving one practical system and another serving another system.

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